
Predicting product/system performance and failure modes is essential to success in the oilfield.  Failures or lack of reliable performance is unacceptable to Seahorse Energy®—which is why we place so much emphasis on analysis capabilities.  We use state of the art equipment and software to enable industry-leading analysis predictions for the simplest or most complex applications.  But great tools are only half of the equation.  The second, and arguably the most important, is that Seahorse Energy® has the time-proven experience to properly apply and use these tools to get the correct answer.   We put this experience to good use to provide accurate predictions and documentation at the highest possible value.

  • Finite Element Analyses
    • Linear and non-linear materials
    • Non-linear contact and multiple parts
    • Frictional studies
  • Major industry codes used and understood.  Click here for a more detailed list.
    • ASME Boiler Code Div. 1, 2, and 3
    • API 6A and other API standards
    • ISO 13628 and other ISO standards
  • Classical calculations (using PTC MathCad)
  • FEA of existing equipment
  • Failure Analysis (pre and post)
  • Fatigue (low and high cycle)
  • Loads definition
  • Riser analyses (time and frequency domain)
  • Buckling prediction
  • Elastomer and metallic seal and gasket analysis with defect prediction 
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